Birthday Wishes for 40 Year Old Woman

Smile because you’re beautiful.
Smile because you’re you.
Smile because today it is
your 40th birthday too.

When life begins, the pages
of your book are all left blank.
As time goes on, the ages
leave marks of experienced ink.

Today, so many pages of your book
have been filled up
with memories and stories that look
like drops from a blessing cup.

The years have made you stronger,
and days of joy stretch out ahead
for you to live much longer
and rejoice in the pages to be read.

Life doesn’t begin at 40.
Your life began 40 years ago.
Today, you’re elegant and sporty,
with most of your life to go.

So raise a glass to celebrate
a day that’s just for you.
I could never overestimate
the love I owe to you.

You are woman.
You are strong.
You’re amazing
all day long.

Today the world celebrates.
The atmosphere fairly resonates,
for on this day, it’s true,
we’re celebrating you.

When you came into the world, you brought joy. Hearts danced in celebration at the gift
of your life. From the moment we first saw your face, you gave our spirits a lift.

Today, you are 40 years strong, and we celebrate how you’ve come along.
Still, now, in our hearts is a song. We’re so happy you came along.

Raise your glass high.
Celebrate the day.
Let your hopes fly.

Light candles.
Eat cake.
Ignore scandals.

Your birthday comes but once a year.
Your 40th is finally here!

Laugh a little today.
It is, after all, your birthday.

Smile, sing, dance if you like.
Don’t do anything you dislike.

Tomorrow is soon enough to do
the things that you don’t want to do.
Today’s the day the world
should be celebrating you.

Life is full of pleasure and pain.
When you fall down, you get up again.
Each day is a fresh start for you,
and you’ve grown when each day is through.

Take a moment to pause today
and celebrate lessons from along the way.
This journey’s been a blessing too
because it’s brought the world a beautiful you.

Each life is a light
that brightens the universe for a short time,
making the night
easier to bear with love that is shared.

Today we celebrate your light.
We toast your inimitable style.
We recognize your wisdom and insight.
We share memories that make us smile.

Today is your birthday, but those who know you
are the ones who have received the best gift.

Simple pleasures bring the most joy—
like a cup of tea or a good book half read.
Little things matter to people like you—
a child’s smile, a wagon painted candy-apple red.

Celebrate today in every way.
Make the most of the little moments.
Relax, love yourself and savor
all your favorite enjoyments.

Sing a song of happiness
and a song of love.
Sing a song of joy and peace.
You’re the one I’m thinking of.