Birthday Wishes for Professors

You’ve taught me to write concisely and to the point. So thank you, professor, and happy birthday.

Happy birthday to our beloved professor. We have grown up with your help and we want you to know how much we appreciate it.

I’m not sure how you do it, standing in front of our class, inspiring us to learn and be better people. But you do. And I’m glad. Thank you and happy birthday.

When I get to be your age, I hope I have half as much fun as you do. You have been an inspiration and a mentor and I am happy to be your student. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday professor. Your wisdom has meant a lot to me and hundreds of other students. I admire and respect you as a teacher and person. Happy birthday.

At this special time when you reflect on the year’s passing, I hope you know how much you mean to your students. You have taught us a lot about life and learning. You’ve inspired us to follow in your footsteps for life-long learning. Thank you and happy birthday.

Happy birthday. If it weren’t for professors like you, students like me wouldn’t stay in school. Thank you for awakening my mind and engaging my spirit. I’m so glad you are my teacher.

It’s hard to come up with words of wisdom for someone so wise, so let me just be sincere. I truly appreciate having you as a teacher. You are engaging, inspiring, and real. Happy birthday from one of your biggest fans.

Professor, you may get a lot of cards today, or you may get few. But you taught me that quality- not quantity- is what counts the most. I hope you count this as a quality greeting, because I admire you and hope to follow your career path. Happy birthday.

I’m sending this on behalf of many students in your class who want to wish you a happy birthday but are afraid to seem like they’re brown noses. You taught us that sincerity and hard work matter most. So we’re working hard to wish you a happy birthday anonymously. Have a good one!

Professor, I hope you know how important you’ve been in the lives of your students. It’s a pleasure to be in your class, even if it is difficult. You challenge us and engage us. And we are thankful. Happy birthday.