Birthday Wishes for Teacher

“Without the excellent example you set for us, your instruction would not be as valuable to your students. You have shown us new ways to be inspired. We hope that on this birthday you may feel inspired about how much we appreciate you”.

“The best teachers know that their students are also teachers. You have shown us respect and kindness along with your valuable instruction, and that does not go unnoticed. We remember you with gratitude on your birthday”.

At times I have a gentle reminder in my thoughts that guides my heart int he right direction. ‘Where did that come from?’I ask myself? Then I remember you, my favorite teacher. I may not have been the model student, but as I’ve matured I’ve realized what a valuable influence you’ve had on my life. Happy Birthday”.

“You’re the only teacher that I didn’t rebel against. You found a way to allow me to trust you. That special care you gave me will never be forgotten and I will pass it onto others. Thank you and Happy Birthday”.

“Being a teacher is hard work and a big sacrifice. Teachers often don’t get the compensation or recognition they deserve. I know you are one of them. Let me tell you from my heart that as I have gotten older, I have been able to realize just how amazing my teachers have been. You were my favorite. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday.”

“Honestly, I can’t recall all the details of the subject matter you taught me, but I remember many things about who you were as a teacher. That is what remained with me. Don’t ever regret the sacrifices you made to do what you did. Your students will never forget you. Happy Birthday”.

There are times when I am faced with impatience and wonder why I have so much trouble to deal with. It occurs to me that perhaps it related to all the trials I gave you as a student. I know I was a pain, but you had so much compassion and didn’t stop believing in me. It was not in vain. Your example continues to inspire me to this day. i want to be like you. Happy Birthday to my favorite teacher.”

To be a good teacher requires a great strength in character. No one who is weak of heart made it past a short time in the classroom. You hung in there for your students and your students and because of that, we also became more strong. Thanks for getting up every day and coming to school. We know it wasn’t easy, but you did it and you did it well. Happy Birthday on behalf of all your grateful students”.