46th Birthday Wishes

Congratulations on your 46th birthday! May your heart be filled with joy and happiness for many more years to come!

Don’t let the sun slip away, without hearing your loved ones say…happy birthday to you today!

On this special day 46 years ago, you came into the world and no one knew just how big an impact you would have on so many! May you be blessed with many more wonderful birthdays, and many more lives to touch.

Laughter, love and wisdom are the main components for a very happy life. Happy 46th birthday!

You have done so much for so many around you, that we want to wish you only the happiest of birthdays! This is your day, so make it truly remarkable!

On your 46th birthday, take stock of what life has given you. May you continue to be truly blessed.

As you blow out the 46 candles upon your cake, a moment to ponder life’s blessings you should take. You’ve influenced so many that you don’t even see, but allow me to mention your influence upon me. You see, I thank you for all that you’ve done, to impact my life, I’m so proud I’m your son!

46 is the new 64…wait…that’s not right. Just blow out the dang candles! Happy Birthday!

Don’t ever stop believing that you have made a true difference in the lives of so many. Make this birthday your most memorable yet!

How do you feel about the first 46 years? Make the next 46 just as amazing and memorable! Happy Birthday!

There’s no reason to cry, pout, whine or scream about your birthday! Just start lying about your age…it’s a whole lot easier! Happy 46th Birthday!

You’ve got all day to celebrate what a great life it’s been so far! So blow out your candles and resolve to make the next 46 the most amazing you could possibly imagine!

There’s no better way to celebrate your birthday, than with friends and family! They’re the only ones that really care anyway. Happy Birthday!

I’d like to think that in 46 years, you have gained lots of wisdom, better looks, more intelligence and a great personality. I’d like to think that…but I can’t! Have an awesome birthday today!

Make the next 46 the most remarkable that they can be, filled with laughter, courage and strength! Happy Birthday!

It’s people like you that make me get up and thank God that I’m alive! May you have a remarkable and blessed 46th birthday!

Today should be a joyful day with lots of celebration and happiness! So with those that you love near to you, thank God for each day and each passing year! Have a wonderful 46th birthday!

You’re not getting older…you’re getting more experienced. Just keep saying that over and over again until you start to believe it! Happy birthday!

Today marks a milestone in every person’s life. A day that is free of suffering and strife. For today is your birthday and we all know it’s true…that there’s not too many people as special to us as YOU!