8th Birthday Wishes

Eight! That’s great!
It’s great to be eight.
Though seven was lovely,
And nine will be grand,
Eight’s just the right number,
So strike up the band!

When you were one, you learned to walk,
When you were two, you talked and talked.
At three and four, you learned much more!
Five, six, and seven came up then,
You learned and grew and learned again.
And now it’s eight you’re finally turning,
Just think how much you’ll still be learning!

It’s your birthday!
Today we celebrate you…
and all the things you’ve learned to do.
Blow out your candles, make a wish,
Enjoy your very favorite dish,
Laugh a little (or a lot),
And curl up in your favorite spot.
It’s your 8th birthday.
Hooray, hooray!

A little bird flew by and whispered in my ear.
“It’s a very special day in a very special year!”
That’s when I remembered how special. It’s true!
Today you turn 8, so we celebrate you!

If I could make eight wishes today,
I think I know just what I’d say.
I’d wish my favorite eight year old boy,
A laugh drenched day that’s filled with joy.
I’d wish him gifts that make him smile,
A chance to play and run a while,
A day that sparkles in the sun,
Some friends and then of course some fun.
I’d wish him everything that’s fine –
Today and every day till nine!

Some birthdays are quiet and some are loud.
Sometimes we spend them with a crowd.
But whatever makes your birthday a treat,
We hope your 8th birthday is truly sweet!

Everyone knows a birthday
Is a day for laughter and song.
Go celebrate your
Happiest way
The whole day long!

The birthday girl is turning eight!
We simply couldn’t stand to wait
To send you greetings full of cheer
For an extra special year.
May it be filled with blessings bright.
Every day and every night.
And may you know how loved you are,
From friends and family near and far.

Butterflies and bumblebees,
Snowy owls and tall pine trees,
Blowing wind and sunshine rays,
Starry nights and rainy days.
There are gifts wherever you look,
In every corner, place, and nook.
Happy 8th birthday!

When you were born, we loved you so much,
We didn’t know what to do.
But as you’ve grown, a funny thing happened –
Our love grew too!
And now we’re so proud of our eight year old,
Who’s funny and bright and sweet and bold.

A birthday is a gateway, a birthday is a door
Into brand new adventures you’ve never had before.
So sail away or fly away into a fresh new year.
You’re eight years old! Hurrah, hurrah!
The world gives you a cheer.

Someone’s turning eight today,
And so this note just comes to say,
We hope in every single way
You’ll have a wonderful birthday!

You were three and two and one,
When your days had just begun.
You’ve been seven, six, and five,
What great times to be alive!
Now count your blessings and you’ll see,
Just how wonderful eight can be!