Birthday Wishes for 30 year old Man

This is just a little rhyme
To wish you the happiest time
On your big thirtieth birthday,
I hope you relax, kick back, and play!

Happy 30th Birthday!

Turning thirty isn’t such a big deal as it used to be.
It used to be “over the hill,” but it isn’t anymore, you see.
At 30 you’re just now at the prime of your years!
You’re able to conquer the world and all of your fears.
Through dedication and lots of hard work you’ve seen much success
You’ve shown the world the best of qualities that you possesses.
With these thirty years so well spent you’re sure to thrive
And here’s to walking side by side for the next 30 of our lives!

A friend like you is hard to find,
A truly stand-up guy.
Someone to laugh along side of
And let the good times fly.
Whether we’re reminiscing about the past
Or kicked back having a beer,
You’re always full of joy and light,
And an abundance of good cheer.
It’s hard to imagine my life without
A friend like you in it.
And like a true friend I must be honest,
You’re getting old as….

Happy 30th Birthday, my friend!

T – Truly a life lived in the best way.
H – Honest in everything that you say.
I – Imagining life without you is weird.
R – Remember how the future we feared?
T – This is it, the future is here!
Y – You’re actually turning 30 this year!

Happy 30th Birthday!

We may have drifted in and out of each other’s lives.
Over the past years as we grew and changed and thrived.
But those moments when we get to come together once again
Are truly something to be cherished like the rarest gem.
It’s times like that, when we’re catching up, having a drink or two.
That I remember all the good times and the crazy things we do.
Some might think of you as a friend, but to me you’re more of a brother,
So I hope your 30th birthday is a blast unlike any other.

Happy Birthday!

I thought that this year I’d let you know just how much I care
Because I don’t say it enough, so let’s get it out in the air.
I love you like a brother, like someone oh so dear.
You’ve been there for some of my darkest times, and heard my deepest fears.
Guys like us don’t often prefer to play it chill like bros.
But you’re one hell of a friend, as far as friendship goes.
Through all this time we may have fought, but never could stay sore,
And I don’t know where I’d be with out you, so here’s to 30 more!

Happy 30th Birthday, Man!

Turing thirty can be scary, even for us guys,
But look around, take the time to open up your eyes.
Put quite simply you have done a lot in three decades.
You’ve turned lemons life has given into lemonade.
You’ve accomplished quite a lot and I’m so very proud.
So excuse me if I shout my message out too loud.
There’s really only one thing that I have left to say:
Here’s hoping you have a truly amazing birthday!