Birthday Wishes for little Brother from Sister

“Take care of your little brother,” Mom used to say when we were kids. Sometimes it drove me crazy, and so did you, but now I can’t imagine the world without you! Taking care now to wish you the happiest of birthdays.

We can’t choose our siblings, just our friends…but sometimes we’re blessed and a sibling turns out to be a friend too. So thankful for your friendship through the years, and so glad that I get to call myself both your sister and your friend. Happy Birthday!

When the world thinks of little brothers, they sometimes think of words like “nuisance” and “pest.” And yes, I admit, I’ve thought those words a time or two myself. But as we’ve grown up together, I’ve come to realize what a gift your presence has been in my life and still is. May this brand new year be filled with joys and blessings beyond measure!

One of the best things about having you for a brother is knowing that we share so many memories. Childhood rivalries and adventures all mix up together in my mind and as I recall the many times we laughed together, it makes me smile even now. May your birthday be another reason for us to celebrate good memories and to laugh together, and may the year ahead be filled with more memories in the making.

Little brother, when we were kids I always thought of you as the the one I needed to take care of and protect. Then one day I looked over and realized how tall you’d grown, how strong, and I knew that care and protection had become a two-way street. Thanks for being my friend and my hero. May you have a birthday celebration as big as your heart!

There’s a picture on my bookshelf that always makes me smile. It’s a picture of the two of us from years ago. I used to think we didn’t look that much alike, but now when I glance at that photo, I see just how much we’ve always resembled each other on the outside. More and more, I think we’ve come to realize how much alike we are on the inside too. Happy birthday to my little brother!

Friends are great and cousins are cool. Sisters are wonderful as a general rule. But the best one of all (I don’t need any other) is the special man I get to call little brother. Have a wonderful birthday!