Funny Birthday Wishes for 65 year old Woman

When you’re young you think that you will never grow too old.
You know in your mind it will happen, but you’re never really sold.
But after sixty-five years of “Happy Birthday” sung,
It’s no denying that you are sixty-five years young!

Birthdays are a time of joy, a time to celebrate.
And they’re a time to be with friends who are just great.
It’s the one day that compliments to you we all must tell:
You’re looking great, you’re looking young, you’re looking just swell!
And don’t you think twice about all the nice things you hear,
Because they really, truly are entirely sincere!
I really hope when I’m your age I’m just as sweet and kind,
I just hope that I’m lucky enough to not have lost my mind!

We’ve grown up and seen a lot over all the years,
Crazy fashion, crazy trends, and crazier hairdos.
We’ve heard and read some crazy headlines
On the radio, TV, and in the news.

We’ve seen the economy grow and crash,
We’ve seen our country both struggle and thrive.
Yes, these sixty-five years have been nuts,
But here’s to another crazy sixty-five!

Happy 65th Birthday!

If you look hard enough into any mirror.
Your future will become clearer and still clearer.
You’ll see what you will look like as you start to age,
You’ll see what life will be like as you turn the page.
You might be able to watch as hairs turn gray on your head,
But if you stand there long enough eventually you’ll be dead.
Because people who stare at mirrors surely are to find
That if they look hard enough they’ll surely lose their mind!
Youth is wasted on the young, that mirror’s lying to you.
You’re still beautiful as ever, and you still look great, you do!
So, Happy 65th Birthday to a woman who knew in order to thrive
Instead of looking in mirrors, you should just enjoy being alive!

Do you remember the good ol’ days, a simpler time and place?
It was a time when there wasn’t a wrinkle anywhere on your face.
It was a time when people knew that it’d be tacky and bold
To make jokes on someone’s birthday about them getting old.
Well, I suppose that you know how times they sure have changed,
And silly, rhyming jokes of aging are sure to be arranged.
Although various body parts may have started to sag,
And you always have hard candy in the bottom of your bag,
There is at least one sign of aging that you do not show:
They say that the mind’s always one of the first things to go!

At the age of 5 you were just happy to have all your teeth
At the age of 15 you wanted to know all the boys you’d meet.
At the age of 25 you knew what it was like to be alive,
At the age of 35 you had a handle on things, and thrived.
At the age of 45 you felt like you were over the hill,
At the age of 55 that feeling set in further still!
And now at the age of 65 we’ve come 360 degrees,
You’re just happy you don’t have to say “pass my dentures, please!”

Happy Birthday!