35th Birthday Wishes for Sister

Out of all of our siblings, you are by far my favorite sister.
I know that it’s unfair to judge, but the others are as fun as a swollen blister.
You cheered me up no matter how badly I felt down and blue.
Enjoy your 35th birthday surrounded by those that love you.

I know that some women worry about turning 35.
You’re becoming a graceful lady that’s never been more alive.
One day your kids will appreciate all of the things you do.
Our family is a bunch of pieces and you provide the glue.

Your husband is one very lucky man.
He has an awesome wife that does everything that she can.
Today you turn 35, but you seem so young to me still.
I’m lucky you’re my sister, and for you I’d probably kill.

Being your brother has always been so easy for me.
I remember your birth so well, even though I was only three.
I had to give up all of my attention and old toys.
When you became a teen I had to threaten all of the boys.
The day you moved out of the house I secretly cried.
I was afraid that our close friendship had sort of died.
Today you turn 35 and I feel confident in our bond.
Every time I need your help, you never hesitate to respond.

I love you, dear sister, for all that you bring.
I get to be an uncle, and to your kids I am a king.
As you enter into your 35th year, you really have your life together.
I will always be by your side, no matter how bad the weather.

Not many girls get to say their best friend is their twin.
We’ve had to share everything, from our clothes to a matching chin.
Our 35th birthday is today, but I’m sure you’re well aware.
We’re having a big blowout party and I will see you there.

As your older sister, I’ve always looked after you like a child.
Compared to me, your style is a lot more wild.
I cannot believe that you are 35 years old now.
You can count on me if you ever need anything, on this I solemnly vow.

I look up to you as my role model and older sibling.
I used to sneak to use your diary paper for scribbling.
It doesn’t seem like you are anywhere near 35 at all.
You’re such a young soul and precious like a doll.

Have I ever told you how cool it is to be your only brother?
You look after me, and make me laugh like no other.
I cannot believe that you have started a beautiful family of your own.
Enjoy your 35th birthday celebration, party until the candles are blown.

Our mom and dad would never admit that you are their favorite.
We could all tell when you got your way if you had a fit.
You’re the youngest of us all, but now you’re turning 35.
With all of our support and love, you are sure to thrive.