40th Birthday Wishes for Coworker / Colleague

Working alongside someone like you
Makes this place so much better.
It’s so great to have someone to chat with,
About the boss, our kids, or the weather.
So on your birthday I hope you find
All the joy that you desire.
And I hope you enjoy a “sick day” or two,
I won’t blow your cover and yell “liar!”
On your 40th Birthday you deserve
A great day all to yourself.
So, go have fun, have a drink,
And put responsibility on the shelf!
Happy 40th Birthday to one of the hardest workers I know!

As far as colleagues go, you’re in a league of your own.
You always know how I’m feeling, when I want to be left alone.
When I’m overworked and overstressed, you’re there to save the day.
If the boss or my family is driving me crazy, you know just what to say.
Coworkers like you really make coming to work a delight.
And you deserve to celebrate your 40th birthday just right!
Grab a glass of wine, take the day off, and order a great big cake
Because everyone here at the office wants your birthday to be just great!

Well, you’re 40 today!
You know what that means:
Retirement’s not far away!

From here it’s downhill.
But you’ve got a few years
To keep working here still!

That makes me happy!
I’ll tell you why,
But it might sound a bit sappy.

This place wouldn’t be right
Without you here
To bring the workday a light.

And misery loves company
So if I’ve got to be here
I want you right next to me!

In all seriousness, though,
I send you well wishes
For everywhere you go!

I’ll wrap this up and simply say
To one of my favorite friends
Have a Happy 40th Birthday!

Day in and day out I see your face,
Month after month, week after week.
We’ve fantasized about striking it rich,
And finding the fountain of youth we seek.
If this job and the stresses of daily work
Hasn’t been enough to give you gray hair,
Your 40th Birthday surely will help
You to make your way there!
But a person like you has a secret
That helps to keep you young!
It’s the inner beauty that I see in you
That makes coming to work so much fun!
Happy 40th Birthday!

“Over the hill, over the dale”
Wait, that’s not how it goes….
You’re 40 now, but don’t you worry
In your looks it never shows!
But then again, maybe it’s not
Your looks you should worry about
After all, they say it’s your mind
That’s the first to get worn out!
But I won’t let you lose it just yet
Because this place wouldn’t be the same
Without you here to keep us in line
And, more importantly, keep us sane!

Happy 40th Birthday to an amazing coworker!

So many great memories I have of working
Alongside someone just like you.
Sitting in meetings making silly faces,
Playing jokes on workers who are new,
Water cooler chatting and gossip,
Commiserating over unpaid overtime,
Coffe breaks, lunch breaks, any break at all,
And rushing to make those deadlines.
For such a special colleague and friend,
I’ve got just one thing to say:
Go out and have a great big blast
On your great big 40th Birthday!