65th Birthday Wishes for Friend

It is your birthday and now you are officially 65.
You are by far the most fascinating person alive.
I’ve loved every minute spent with you laughing and sharing.
Things wouldn’t be the same without this unique pairing.

I’ve never cherished a friendship quite like the one I have with you.
You always know exactly what to say when I’m upset and feeling blue.
I don’t know how your birthday isn’t a widely recognized holiday by now.
You made it to 65, and you deserve to stand up and take a bow.

My dearest buddy, it is a milestone at your 65th birthday.
Ever since the day I met you, I thought that you were more than okay.
I love your kids, pets, and your darling little wife.
You bring so much joy to my heart and into my life.

There are not many ways to tell someone that they are getting old.
Once you reach the golden year of 65, things start to unfold.
I will always be there no matter what hardships may come.
Enjoy your birthday today, and try not to be so glum.

It is with much regret that I did not meet you sooner.
You’re such a great friend with an excellent sense of humor.
Hearing from you each day makes me feel a lot less hollow.
I am here to celebrate your 65th birthday and each year to follow.

We met as children and continued through life side-by-side.
I’ve never seen you break down and lose your sense of pride.
You’re turning 65 and I’m not very far behind.
Let’s celebrate your birthday and the fact that we aren’t yet blind.

Hair turns gray, falls out, and becomes a distant memory.
Things seem a little blurry and often times hard to see.
It’s not the end of the world to turn 65.
My dear friend, I know you will take it in stride.

I am lucky that someone like me has a great guy like you to call a friend.
There are so few like you, and I’m glad that we’ve never had to pretend.
Don’t you worry about turning 65, it’s not going to sting.
We can go fishing or camping like the old times in spring.

It is impossible to get through life without at least one good female friend.
A really cool girl that will stay by your side until the end.
You’ve always been that for me, and I hope I am the same for you.
Have the most fabulous 65th birthday party with our whole crew.

We do not share blood, but I consider you a sister to me.
Although you’ve hit your 65th year, there is still so much left to see.
There is still plenty of life left to experience.
We just can’t go out and do anything very intense.

As you ring in your 65th year, do not worry about getting old.
You’re as graceful as ever, and a real treasure to hold.
I consider our friendship more valuable than a slab of gold.
Our adventures and jokes are a story that could be sold.