67th Birthday Wishes

You’re getting pretty old but I’d never say it to your face.
It’s important to consider that this life is not a race.
Enjoy the journey, because you’ve got plenty of road still ahead.
Have a joyous 67th birthday celebrating the life that you’ve lead.

You are not near at the end, but far from the beginning.
If there was an award for a full life, you would be winning.
We come together as friends and family as your 67th year of life begins.
With you in our life, it is all of that that actually win.

Thank you, my Grandpa, for holding my head up in times of stress.
Your expertise taught me how to speak and the right way to dress.
I enjoy sitting on the porch and hearing a good story.
Celebrate your 67th birthday in all of its glory.

I do not understand how a woman of your talents has so much patience.
Teaching crocheting, knitting, and sewing at your own expense.
You are 67 years old, but your spirit is like a young child.
I hope that I grow up to be as creatively styled.

Meeting you years ago was a gift I did not deserve.
I was in awe of you, but could not just sit back and observe.
We instantly became the best of buddies, and continue to grow strong.
Your 67th birthday is here, and I cannot wait to sing you a song.

There is not a closer bond than that between brothers.
You have an infectious laugh and sly grin that is much like our mother’s.
Although you are 67 today, you are obviously still a young joyous kid at heart.
Don’t change a thing and start acting like a grumpy old fart.

It’s been almost 40 years since I taught you to put on makeup.
Holding your head as you cried through your first breakup.
Now we are celebrating your birthday as you turn 67.
Being your big sister has been quite the fun lesson.

I’m always proud to tell people that I am a daddy’s girl.
We had so many special days together in this world.
Over the years we have had a little distance as we’ve grown apart.
I wish you the best 67th birthday from the bottom of my heart.

A mother is the greatest role model of how a person should be.
You were effortlessly amazing, but tough to a certain degree.
As you turn 67, I realize that you never seem to grow older.
You’re such a sweet lady, always ready to lend a shoulder.

A great man always makes sure that his family comes first.
We would do the same for you if the roles were reversed.
If you need a single thing, you know all you have to do is call.
Being here to celebrate your birthday is a gift to us all.

Your 67th birthday should be an afternoon full of surprise.
Even if you do not have plans, we can improvise.
Let’s have a night by the bonfire, or a festive celebration dinner.
As long as you are in good company, you always come out a winner.