81th Birthday Wishes

I love your gentle manner and the way you always guided me along.
When I was a child, you used to sing me a special night-time song.
It feels like just yesterday we were so much younger.
Have a memorable 81st birthday, to my best friend and mother.

You taught me to string a line, catch a fish, and cook it for dinner.
I couldn’t ask for a better greater father, you are a clear-cut winner.
Although you are turning 81, my memories hold you immortally.
Thank you for teaching me to be a good man, you changed me dramatically.

It’s hard to believe that you are turning 81 years old.
No matter how hard people have tried, you could never be controlled.
You’re a lovely human being, and an even better big sister.
If you shined much brighter, people would mistake you for glitter.

You’ve done many great things with your long life.
You created children, grandchildren, and took care of a wife.
I miss the childhood days of hanging out with my loving big brother.
Enjoy this special 81st birthday, and I will see you next year for another.

You have a shining light in your eyes that reminds me of youth.
Anyone could always come to you for a sweet smile and the honest truth.
The family you created is really amazing.
Have a great 81st birthday with those great-grandchildren you are raising.

I am excited to wish my best friend in life a happy 81st birthday.
We talk all of the time so there isn’t much I can say.
You’re beautiful inside and out, and everyone can agree on this.
I pray that the rest of your years are lived in total bliss.

My childhood memories would not have been the same without a grandpa like you around.
You’re the king of your entire family’s world, all you’re missing is a crown.
It makes me sad to see you grow older, but it has always been inevitable.
I will do my best to make sure that your 81st birthday is fun and unforgettable.

There are things within our family that we all keep a close secret.
The recipe for your famous apple pie or sugar cookies that we keep locked tight.
No one could ever match up to you, my grandmother.
Let’s celebrate your 81st birthday like no other.

81 years is quite a long time to live and experience things.
We spent so much time working hard so that we could live like kings.
You’ve always been a friend, even when I left to spread my wings.
I’m here with you until the end, no matter what life brings.

If there was a book about your life, I wonder what it might say.
I’d write about our adventurous days that we used to swim in the bay.
It doesn’t really matter, as long as they mention your dedication to pray.
You’re my best friend, and I’m so appreciate to be here on your 81st birthday.