Birthday Wishes for 60 Year Old Woman

60 is the glorious age when you can look in the mirror and say,
I love the life I’m living, today more than yesterday!

Turning 60 is your reward for a life well- lived.

When a woman turns 60, she is free,
to be the woman she always wanted to be.

60 is the time of life when a woman can enjoy the simple things in life. The company of good friends, a walk in the park, a good bottle of wine, or curling up with a good book. And she can do it all before noon if she wants to!

If I had known how fast 60 would get here, I would have danced slower.

Turning 60 isn’t what it used to be. When my grandmother turned 60 she was old!

I have an Instagram account, I love Facebook, my granddaughters borrow my clothes, my friends and I hike on Saturday, my sons ask my advice when shopping for a good bottle of wine, I get my hair cut at the trendy new salon around the corner, my yoga class keeps me focused, and I’m taking piano lessons. Who am I? A woman turning 60!

Happiness is turning 60 and realizing that all trendy, summer clothes are not sleeveless!

Celebrate 60! Burst toward tomorrow knowing the best is yet to come.

Birthdays are always special, but turning 60 is a milestone. Celebrate by doing all of your favorite things.

If 60 is the new 40, do I still get the senior discount?

Close your eyes and think about
your favorite birthday ever.
Celebrate turning 60,
because 60 is even better!

A lady should never divulge her age. It’s a good thing. No one would ever believe you’re 60!

Birthday candles are so exciting, unless there are 60 of them. That stuff that shoots out of a fire extinguisher can ruin a perfectly good cake!

A little bird said you’re 60? Stupid bird!

Turning 60 gives you a reason to celebrate all the life-changing milestones in your life. Can’t think of any? That’s great! You’ll have to start working on them now!

What will you wish for when you blow out the candles on your 60th birthday cake? Make it happen!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Turning 60
Looks fabulous on you

You make turning 60 look easy. Is there an App for that?

I used to dread turning 60 until I saw how easy it was for you. If you’re as old as you feel, you must be 30!

I was thinking about you and thought I’d better sent you a birthday card. It’s not every day that someone turns 60. The more I thought, the more I wondered if I had the right date in my mind. 60 year olds don’t zip- line. Do they?