Birthday Wishes for One Year Old

It’s your first birthday, and I want you to know
There’s nothing better than growing up slow.
One day you’ll be big and strong,
but you’ll only be a baby for so long.

Make my wish come true,
And have a birthday blue
For your very first birthday:
A most special day.

Birthday boy, birthday boy,
You’re the one I love.
Make sure you get
The very best birthday love.

There’s nothing better
Than telling you happy birthday
Because I believe in my heart
It’s a most special day.

My very favorite birthday boy,

On your first birthday I want you to know that you are my very favorite boy.
I have waited so long to see you grow, and now I get to celebrate with joy.
You’re the light of my life and my very favorite thing.
I’m very proud of you because you’re the very best thing.

Birthday boys are the best things in the world.
You may not realize it, but you’re love unfurled.
I hope you feel special on this wonderful day
Because you may life better in every single way.

For the one year old on their birthday,
I hope you feel like you’ve had a great year.
You may have had some spills, but it was a lot of fun.
Don’t ever forget that you’re the very first one
Who showed me what true love is.
For your birthday, I am very grateful
That you brought just joy into my life
To help me realize I was right.
You’re the best.

One year old, one year old,
Your birthday day is here.
You have the right
To bring about much cheer.
Even though you won’t
Remember this day.
Everyone around you
Will come to play.
Your birthday is special
To everyone here
Because we hold you
Oh so very dear.

It’s your first birthday, and I’m not sure where to start.
You got me right in my heart.
I hope this card survives all the years
Because one day you’ll look and remember all the cheers.

Birthday wishes are always so sweet,
But your smile cannot be beat.
You don’t have to do a thing,
Except enjoy a little swing
Around the playground on this day
Because you deserve in every way
The best birthday of all
Because you’re the one-year old who touched us all.

A Song For A Girl’s First Birthday

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday, Sweet One-Year Old
Don’t Ever Get Too Old.

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday, Sweet Baby
Grow Into A Lovely Lady

A Song For A Boy’s First Birthday

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday, Sweet One-Year Old
You’re Growing So Bold

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday, Sweet Joy
Grow Into A Strong Boy

A Birthday Poem

Today You Are One-Year Old
You Have Become So Bold
Walking To And Fro
Learning Where To Go

You’ve Been Such A Delight
I Can’t Let You Out Of My Sight
Maybe One Day You’ll See
How Special You Are To Me